Yes, We’re Talking to You

youtalkintomeWe’re back. Thanks for waiting.

For the Spring semester we’ll be posting new articles on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (at 2:00 a.m. Central Time in the U.S.). We’ll also throw in regular re-posts of items from the vault that you may have missed the first time around. And, when you least expect it, we’ll even try to make your Tuesday or Thursday worthwhile too.

So we’re back — starting Monday.

Arbitrary and Consequential

512px-Bratislava_New_Year_FireworksRecognizing the variety of calendars around the world, and thus the different occasions for marking a new year, illustrates the arbitrariness of time and our systems of marking time, which Russell McCutcheon has highlighted recently (here and here). In the context of South Asia, for example, many communities have new year commemorations at different times, primarily based on regional calendars. Continue reading “Arbitrary and Consequential”